While the water was heating she decided to shake out the carpet 趁着烧水的时候,她决定将地毯抖抖干净。
A: I accidentally spilled water on your carpet. I'm sorry. 我不小心把水洒到你的地毯上了,我很抱歉。
Look here! You can't go around spilling water on the carpet. 喂!你不能走来走去把水泼在地毯上。
If you water the dress enough the lilacs will begin to consume the red carpet. 你猜对了么?话说这件定制礼服如果在裙摆上浇足够的水,这些美丽的紫色小花会不会蔓延整个奥斯卡红毯?
Rising through the building, water, air, fire and earth are echoed in carpet shades of aquamarine, sand, russet red and slate respectively, while the fifth floor evokes the sky with a lucid pale blue. 拾级而上,可看到分别以碧绿、深黄、暗红和灰蓝的地毯所演绎的水、空气、火和土,而第五层透明的浅蓝与天空遥相呼应。
A gentle cascade of water will run through a gold-coloured stone "carpet". 一股轻柔的水瀑将穿过金色的石头铺就的“地毯”,汩汩流动。
This article introduces artificial water system of Expo Park and its waterproofing material selection, detailing anti-seepage design and construction of bentonite carpet and points for attention. 介绍了世博公园人工水系的概况,对所用防渗材料进行了选择,详细阐述了膨润土防渗毯在本项目中的防渗设计、施工与注意事项。
Feed water from middle, reduce detergent convenient for cleaning carpet. 中央输水,减少清洁剂的消耗和便于清洗地毯。
A water leak developed in the galley, which eventually soaked the carpet throughout the aft cabin of our747. 厨房里漏水,最终渗透到了我们机舱尾部,把地毯都湿透了。
And when they eventually emerge and become adult snails, they swim to the surface of the water and graze there on the carpet of algae. 当这些蜗牛渐渐长大后,它们游向水面,享受着绿藻大餐。
In addition, in view of the actual needs, the precept and advices of developing water and oil repellant flocking products and flocking carpet products under the present situation, have been designed and put forward, and also probing research has been done. 另外,结合企业实际需要,设计提出了在目前条件下,开发拒水拒油植绒产品和静电植绒地毯的开发思路和建议,并做了部分前期试探性研究。
The development trends of water base, non-water base and holt melt adhesives for carpet backing are described. 简介了水基型、非水基型、热熔型等地毯背衬胶粘剂开发动向。